Drinking this potion gives you the effect of the Haste spell for one minute. These allow you to use your bonus action to double your speed, which lasts for ten minutes. A few simple magic items significantly increases your velocity. This is you sprinting across the land naked holding only a sword, without any help. Unfortunately, this means that for your rage to have persisted multiple rounds, you must have an enemy attacking you. What’s more, you can have readied movement on your previous turn, expending it as a reaction with the condition being some guy saying go, giving you an additional 115 feet on that round, for a total of 1035 feet in one round. This all together allows you to move 920 feet on your turn. You can dash with your action, your bonus action (thanks to the monk’s Step of the Wind), take an additional dash action thanks to Action Surge, and double it all thanks to Feline Agility. You now have a base walking speed of 70 feet while not applying any effects to yourself, and a walking speed of 115 while Bladesinging, Raging, and under the effects of Longstrider as well as the Celerity discipline's psychic focus. Class Levels 10 Monk, giving a +20 bonus to speed 5 Barbarian (Path of the Totem Warrior, Elk ( Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide)), Fast Movement gives +10, Elk gives +15 while raging 2 Fighter, allowing an action surge, 2 Wizard (Bladesinger) ( Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide) 1 Mystic (Celerity Discipline's Psychic focus) Feats Mobile, gives +10 Spells Longstrider, gives +10 bonus This doesn’t matter, because we are building a sprinter.

Race Tabaxi ( Volo’s Guide to Monsters) Tabaxi has a base speed of 30 feet, but its Feline Agility trait can double its speed as a free action, the only limitation is that it must spend a turn moving 0 feet in order to use it again. This build uses nearly every official source that can increase a character's speed, even if only by 10 feet.