I have the old disk, I intend to do some test's at a a later date but for now we will see if the problem comes back. I put a new Disk in the unit and reinstalled windows. The end of the story so far is that, the machine was pulled when the user left, it sat on my desk through the holidays when I was off. Some of you may disagree with that decision, which is fine. I was talking about a matter of 30-45 minutes, the machine had been acting that way for days so I considered it to be low risk to wait until the user was out for the day. There is a problem, you decide when it's apropriate to act on that, not the user." Restoring the previously open folder windows upon Windows logon is a great way to start your day at work, especially when you have to work with certain files from the last day’s work. This feature along with the Quick Access feature make the Windows 10 a workaholic’s favorite version of Windows yet.The phrase "I am going to attempt this as soon as the user has a moment to let me." made me frown.

Some of us buy a new computer and then work on it like a mule used to work before the machines took over. While all the latest notebooks and tablet PCs are coming fully equipped to be used as gaming or multimedia computers, not all of us have the privilege or free time to enjoy these leisurely activities.